User documentation

Using WebSite

Before starting conversion, you need an odt file.

Create it using openOffice. Make sure all your content is under a title or a subtitle

Now you can use the odt2hdoc converter easily :

Step 1: Go to the http://tuxa.sme.utc/~nf29a008/nf29/index.html (or the adress of your own version deployed on your server)

Step 2: Upload the ".odt" file.

Step 3: Clic on the file in the "Select files" section and clic on "Convert". The script can take some time to be executed. Your file should then appear in the list with the same name that the one you upload but with the extension ".hdoc".

Step 4: Select this new file in the list

Step 5: Hit the download button

Using Shell

Before you do anything, make sure the maximum permissions are given to the folder odt_to_hdoc and your current JRE is 1.6.

Step 1: Open your shell

Step 2: Go to your ant directory "cd PATH/odt_to_hdoc"

Type the following command (don't forget to change PATH and SAMPLE with your parameters)

Step 3: ant -buildfile odt_to_hdoc.ant -DInputPath PATH/SAMPLE.odt -DOutputPath PATH/SAMPLE.hdoc (notice again that you have to use a jre 1,6, if you don't recompile the jar file with your jre)