

This section has been written by Félix MOTOT.

Its content is under a CC-BY license, and the converter's code is under a LGPL license.


The aim of this project is to create a library which allows people to convert a docbook file to an hdoc file.

Hdoc is an XML format which has been created to be used as a pivot format ; thus, a document which is converted to hdoc will be convertable to different formats (Optim, Opale, ...). Most of the students have to create a converter which convert a common format into hdoc or the contrary.

DocBook to Hdoc is a library composed of ant and xsl files designed to convert DocBook files to Hdoc format. The main program is an ANT file which then call and generate xslt files.

DocBook is an XML-based file format to write documentations.

The converter also includes an hdoc to opale converter, which allows the user to see the result of the conversion.