

This section has been written by Vincent MERCIER.

Its content is under a CC-BY license, and the converter's code is under a LGPL license.


As part of the of the NF29 course, which is dealing with documentation engineering, we have to work on a project using ant and xslt.

The aim of the semester project is to create a library which permit to convert a file in a format to another format.

A pivot XML format called "hdoc" has been created within this context. Hdoc is an html like format. Most of the student in the course have to create a converter which convert a common format into hdoc or the contrary. Also this projet aim to convert html file to hdoc file.

Odt2Hdoc is a library composed of ant, xslt and java files designed to convert .odt files to hdoc format. The main program is an ANT file which then call jar and xslt files.

In order to understand this section, you should know that OpenDocument is an XML-based file format for spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents.

You can find more informations about our pivot format at http://scenari.utc.fr/hdoc/www/co/hdoc.html.

Finally, another student make the hdoc->odt converter so if you require more information, please follow his section.