How I have worked
First of all, I began with the principal XSLT. (I spent about 5h at the beginning, with some problems, like the rewrite of the namespaces, and the fact that a Paper guide was needed).
Then, the professor of the UV expected us to produce an ant script that work on the web application of the convertor. I spent almost 4 hours on this ant script, because of the lack of knowledge of ant.
I understood really quickly that in Dokiel, almost all the contents are externalized. That point made me work a lot (around 15 hours). I first thought that making a do-it-yourself with xslt and ant would be good, but I have finally chosen the XSLT 2.0 solution with result-document because it is lighter. I spent 8 hours trying to have a XSLT 2.0 engine work, because the solution was working on Oxygen. I Also spent a lot of time finding a way to have an unique identifier for the sections. The externalization was the harder part of the project, for me.
When i succeeded in having this externalization work, I came back on the principal XSLT, and spent 9 hours.
I spent 4h for the managing of the pictures.
I spent 4h writing the documentation.