

Richard Nathan

This document is available under the terms of the Creative Commons by license.


This project takes in a wider initiative to produce a conversion platform able to convert from and to a variety of document formats, including some of the Scenari formats. This is achieved by the use of a custom pivot format, Hdoc, which allows to easily extends the conversion platform to the cost of some information loss.


The goal of our project is to produce a conversion component for the Hdoc platform which would be able to convert Hdoc documents into Optim Concept Tree scars.

The Concept Tree format

The concept trees are an outlining feature proposed by the Optim Office plus package for Scenari. Allowing the conversion between Hdoc and Concept Tree format would allow one to compose the summary of his document into a dedicated outlining tool (or a LibreOffice session for instance) and import it into Optim Office for further editing.