

  • The converter will copy all the needed file for a scar archive.

  • The transformation of a hdoc file, will give a Paper Guide, and a User Guide, which are the minimum with Dokiel. Titles and authors are retrieved.

    Introduction and conclusion in a User Guide are handled, only if micro data are filled.

  • The converter will externalize all the files, when it's needed by Dokiel, with an UNIQUE identifier in the whole document.

  • All the nested sections are retrieved, with their titles and their contents (text or pictures or sections).

  • Every inline block, such as remark, warning and examples are converted thanks to the micro data that correspond.

  • all the .ref are transformed of bibtex to dokiel format ( see find_content.xsl and bibtex project for more info)


  • The transformation can't give a Web Guide.

  • We cannot retrieve some of the Dokiel kind of parts, such as definitions, screens, parts or procedures due to a lack of micro data. (Definitions would be converted in advice block)

  • Some basic text elements that are more style elements are not handled.

    And I also think that there would have a lack of micro data for that.

  • Tables and lists are not supported, even if that must be easy to implement them.

  • Only pictures are supported, but not the others media resources, even if that would be the same way. Titles of media resources are not handled.

  • Rich titles are not managed.

  • The "see also" parts.