Supported features
Supported formatting elements have been listed in the User Guide section.
Unsupported features
HTML arrays and images handling (arrays don't make sense in Etherpad's WYSIWYG view because they don't exist, same goes for images).
Some special HTML characters (such as   ; or ´ ;) might not be encoded properly.
Users can't open a specific div or close it on the same line as its content. For example, it should be:
Definition text and content
Blah blah
This is due to the Perl script, which works on every line separately, a lot of different cases would have to be handled, and I chose not to spend too much time on this specific issue.
Sections are not used: the current version of the converter just opens a section at the beginning of body, and ends it before </body> tag.
Spans are not handled either, but blocks (divs) are implemented.