User Documentation

You can convert from bibtex to dokiel:

You need to have ant on your computer : You can download it here : Apache

  1. Download the archive

  2. Go into the directory bibtex_to/Ant

  3. Use : ant -buildfile bibtex_to_dokiel.ant -DInputPath=<your_file full path> -DOutputPath=<your_result full directory path> -DTargetName=<all|opale|dokiel|optim> convert

    You need to use a .bib file in input and a directory path in output. If you don't specify a OutputPath the output directory will be in the bibtex_to/result directory. The TargetName can be opale (you will get a opale scar and a hdoc file in output) or dokiel (you will get a dokiel scar and a hdoc file in output) or optim (you will get a optim scar and a hdoc file in output) or all (you will get a opale scar, optim scar, dokiel scar and a hdoc file in output).

Note : file .bib

Your Bibtex file need to respect a few conditions :

  • your .bib need to respect the Bibtex schema.

  • your .bib need to be well formed