Known bugs

  • There is an encoding problem with the online converter. The special characters (é, à, ê ...) are replaced by "??". This issue does not occur with the local converter

  • the hdoc generated by the online converter contains both "result_for_html-to-hdoc.xml" and "result_for_html-to-hdoc.html" while it should contain only the html file.

  • After transforming the shortcode to the appropriate hdoc tag, when we keep them for the result.xml (by using xsl :copy-of), all the namespaces appears as attributes :

    <audio xmlns:excerpt="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:wp="" src="http://localhost/wordpressNF29/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/16843.mp3"/>.

  • Since we use the html_to_hdoc converter, it is normal that its bugs occur too.