

Alexandre MASCIULLI / Mourad SAADI

All content provided here is under Creative Commons BY licence. All code is under GPL licence

Why use the CKeditor to Hdoc converter ?

This converter will allow us to convert any HTML code retrieved from the CKEditor tool ( to the HDoc format. CKeditor is a fully customizable HTML WYSIWYG editor, which means it can be integrated to any web page to give the user a simple way to write any sort of content and to format it while seeing the result in real time. CKeditor is able to give us the HTML code corresponding to the content and its formatting created by the user. What we want to do is to retrieve this HTML content and to convert it the most accurate way possible to the Hdoc format.

Eventually, a website is already hosted containing the CKEditor tool and to produce the corresponding hdoc file just by clicking a button !