User documentation


You can find the free quizzes used in this project to try the converter. Make sure to select cloze exercises.


How to use the converter

The project folder :

  • /lib : contains the needed libraries (the XML parser Saxon and ant-contrib, an ANT library)

  • /out : destination of the converted output files

  • /source : folder where the user put its input file(s)

  • /XSLT : contains the XSL-XSLT program which performs the transformation

  • exOOOsToOpale.ant : the ANT file which launch the transformation for one or several files

To use the converter you need ANT.

First of all you need to put the file(s) to modify in the source folder.

Then, there are two ways to launch the transformation :

  1. Launch the transformation for a specific file

    Execute "ant -buildfile exOOOsToOpale.ant -DFilename=<myFile.odt>"

    [the transformation is launched for your specified file only]

  2. Launch the transformation for several files

    Execute "ant -buildfile exOOOsToOpale.ant"

    [the transformation is launched for all the .odt files in the source folder]

The converted output file(s) is/are placed in the out directory.

These converted files (.quiz files) are compatible with the Opale format and can be used directly in Scenari.

You just have to import the .quiz file(s) in Scenari.

User documentation