Technical documentation

The converter includes the following files:

  1. opale-quiz_to_hdoc.ant: Ant file that executes commands to unzip compressed files, clean directory, combine xml files and call xsl to either copy or convert files.

  2. Contains Ant properties used in .ant file.

  3. opale-quiz_to_hdoc_copyFiles.xsl: Xsl file which creates one single source xml file.

  4. opale-quiz_to_hdoc.xsl: Xsl that converts an xml file to an hdoc file.

The Ant file executes the following instructions:

  • Clean: Removes the temporary directories created.

  • Unzip: Unzips the scar file.

  • hdocStructure: Creates the default hdoc directories and files.

  • CombineFiles: Combines all the xml and quiz files in the evaluation using opale-quiz_to_hdoc_copyFiles.xsl into a single source xml file.

  • ContentXml: Converts the single xml file to an hdoc file.

  • Zip: Zips the hdoc files and directories.

There are two types of sections in the hdoc format dedicated to Opale's quizzes.

  • The section "multiple-choice-question" represents the single (tag: mcqSur) and multiple choice (tag: mcqMur) questions in Opale's quizzes.

  • The section "fill-in-the-blank" represents the questions where one must fill in an answer (tag: cloze).

Furthermore, there are four division types in the hdoc format dedicated to Opale's quizzes.

  • The div "question" represents the question to be answered.

  • The div "choice-correct" represents the correct answer(s) to the questions.

  • The div "choice-incorrect" represents the wrong answer(s) to the questions.

  • The div "explanation" represents the individual and global explanations to the question.

  • Finally, the span type "blank" was added to represent the blanks that must be filled to answer a question.