
3 components

Like I said before, I had to do develop 3 things :

  • SimpleChain Scenari (the editorial chain)

  • SimpleChain/Hdoc converter

  • Hdoc/SimpleChain converter

The editorial chain

Using SCENARIbuilder, I built an editorial chain that allows the user to use components close to the tags defined in the Hdoc schema. The result is a SimpleChain document validated by the SimpleChain Relax Ng schema.

SimpleChain/Hdoc converter

This converter converts a document written in SimpleChain editorial chain to a document validated by the Hdoc schema. It's available on the website of the project. All you need to do is to upload a scar file produced and exported from the editorial chain . Changing the extension of that file to simplechain will make it easily readable and covertable by converter.

Hdoc/SimpleChain converter

This converter takes an hdoc file and converts it to a scar file readable and importable by the editorial SimpleChain. The XML produced can be imported because it is validated by the SimpleChain generated schema (in relax ng).